Puerto Carreño, Vichada, Colombia
Our Autonomous Civil Society and Cloud Network
The Vichada Network is a Cloud Based Network (Provided by Google Workspace) dedicated to serving the needs of its member users to build and meet the ever changing civil demands in the Department of Vichada; all five (soon to be six) municipal and rural subdivisions can make good use of our network thanks to a geocentric presence created professionally for Digital Nomads. Our network is the best way to geolocate your business and connect to the cloud to engage faster and more securely using the social media platforms, users are assigned Cloud Identity (IDaaS).
In 2023 local residents should watch for the introduction of the following domains and many other subdomains of individual businesses online with listings and new developments in the social media sector.
puerto-carreño.vichada.net (Puerto Carreño)
puertocarreño.com (email)
puerto-carreño.com (websites)
puerto-carreño.org (workspace)
primavera.vichada.net (La Primavera)
cumaribo.vichada.net (Cumaribo)
santa-rosalía.vichada.net (Santa Rosalia)
san-jose.vichada.net (San José de Ocuné)
Vichada Network (Adventure All-Around)
The Colombian State (Department) of Vichada is the second-largest department and the most remote eastern outpost in Colombia; the large area and low population also means it is the last place on the priority list of the government's funding ladder; therefore locally we need to depend on ourselves and the interests of visitors that make their way here. Our focus is on general ecological tourism and international adventure tourism combined with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 and the World Tourism Organization gives us a functional working agenda with clearly defined goals to meet as an organization of members.
The Vichada Network aims to connect the resources from 41 national parks, approximately 100 hotel and resort properties, 300 providers of services and ecological reserves from 4 municipalities: Puerto Carreño (capital), Santa Rosalia, La Primavera, and Cumaribo (Indigenous territories and Biosphere). In 2023 our website becomes diversified with increased security to meet the demands of tourists and our members as investors. The Vichada Network is the only regional .net website (network) that is 100% secure using Google Workspace, Cloud Identity, WhatsApp for Business and Workplace by Meta.
Ecological, Ethical and Sustainable Tourism
The new council subscribes to ideas of the Tourism Bill of Rights and the Tourist Code which was adopted by the World Tourism Organization in 1985. Our organization also capacitates and qualifies all of its participants with Implementation Guideline for Tour Operators and International Law of Tourism which provides for tourism resources and activities; rights and obligations of tourists, organizations and individuals doing tourism business and other supportive businesses that work integrally within the tourism industry. Since 2020 the world was made to subscribe and voluntarily adhere to International Code for the Protection of Tourists (ICPT) due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Our First Year 2023
Our council is being developed as an autonomous international civil society and authoritative compliance body that implements best practices in tourism among those we represent to help to ensure tourists have access to their rights and a grievance system to promote better tourism experiences and improve local tourism policies and standards. Our chamber is bicameral inasmuch as it is developed to serve the needs of both tourists and tourism industry protagonists with an unremunerated board of directors. In the months of March and April of 2023 our field assessment survey interviewed over 100 businesses that depend on 20% or more of their economic revenue from tourism, all were consensual with the idea of establishing a tourism council for the region, (30% of the participants interviewed were from other parts of Vichada) justifying extending the scope to a regional tourism council. The new ideas being discussed by members of the community here are all feasible and practical, the only thing missing are the resources and the volume of tourism the area needs to become sustainable.
Notice of Developments, Projects, Plans and Venues
The Vichada Network starting in 2023 begins with the objective of putting into operation a comprehensive tourist information, logistics and planning system connected at the international and national level, with the support of public and private, nongovernmental, national and regional entities. International participation is under the administration of Globcal International in Washington, DC (Certification and Registry Service Provider) and nationally under the Colombia Tourism Fund (FONTUR)
The Colombian Tourism Network began to be administered by what is now the National Tourism Fund in 2010; Fontur, which is dedicated to following the guidelines established by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism in accordance with the World Tourism Organization and other UN treaties. Fontur currently operates one Information Center at the Germán Olano Airport in Puerto Carreño.
Finally in 2023 based on the needs of the tourism business sector (community) the town of Puerto Carreño will seek to establish tourist information kiosks and a tourist service center in Puerto Carreño for visitors so they have a contact point, ombudsman, and so they can consult with attendants to improve their tourism experience or arrange their next stop in Colombia.
Tourism is seen as an axis of local, regional and national economic, social and cultural development, that requires, among other instruments, a reliable information system that contributes to the orientation and satisfaction of the visitor and serves as a tool to determine the indicators of tourism. this activity, is making each region a more competitive destination.
Tourism creates an economic base for the community that can be counted on growing by providing a rich and robust economic experience for tourists.
The purpose of the "Cooperativa Mixta de Puerto Carreño" (also known as Puerto Carreño Tourism Council) is to implement inter-institutional, public and private actions, aimed at transforming the wide tourist potential that Vichada's Capital City has into tourist products and services that are solidly promoted and effectively positioned nationally and internationally, making tourism a true engine of sustainable regional development, employment generation and generation of business, institutional and social added values.
Domains Hosted on the Network
Businesses (*).puerto-carreño.com
Organizations (*).puerto-carreño.org
Vichada SDGs Fund (*).vichada.org
Email Servers .com (username)@puertocarreno.com (vars)
.com/.org/.net Cloud Server ID (username)@vichada.net (vars)
Domains Linked to the Network
Wikipedia - www.wkipedia.org 🔗
Huottuja Foundation - www.huottuja.org 🔗
De'Aruhua Cacao - www.dearuhua.com 🔗
Indigenous Chocolate - indigenous-chocolate.org 🔗
Ekobius International - www.ekobius.org 🔗
Office of the Colonelcy - www.colonelcy.org 🔗
Globcal International - www.globcal.net 🔗
Ecology Crossroads - www.ecooperator.org 🔗